Thursday, April 27, 2006

Georgetown, Exumas

ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1146180440
Thursday, April, 27, 2006, 19:33 UTC
George Towne,Exumas

Bill here again. When we came into George Town yesterday, both sides of the inland cut were lined with sailing craft and yachts. The people seem to be all looking for something in the water. When we went on shore in the community of George Town, we found the same; the people were lined up along the shore looking out over the waters. Even TV cameras were aimed to the waters. I assume they all were looking for the purple red headed green noodle wing creature to float by. The latest reports had it just north of town and also reported that the creature seem to be going through a metamorphous and was now severely shedding its skin. At any rate it seems that the entire southern Exumas Islands were here to spot the unusual creatureor maybe they all were here to watch and or partake in the local Bahamas Islands Sailing Regatta. This is a big event here in the Islands, with many local sailing vessels. While in town Rhonda got to SHOP. She was like in a feeding frenzy, not being able !
to do so for 6 days. Actually she has been a trooper, she was the one that said yes to this trip with Captain Mark when Danette and Phil called and asked if we wanted to go. She knew I would really like this. Rhonda gets sea sick, needs regular shower and bathroom facilities, does not like to get into salt water, does not eat sea food, is afraid of sharks (we have seen 2), and has battled skin cancer. She knew we would have a good time with D & P and it was good to get to know some of their friends. I want to thank them for inviting us, they are awesome people. Both D & P have life long friends that would do anything for each other. At Phil's recent 50th birthday party, this was held in Vegas, more than 25 folks showed up from all over the US. It was wonderful to see the support of loving friendships all had for Phil to bring him over to the other side. I also want to thank Wanda, Steve, Pam and Dean. They have shown us nothing but friendship this entire week, and it has be!
en Rhonda and my pleasure to get to know them. We hope we will have li
fe long friendships with them.

Captain Mark and Straycat has also become part of the family. Mark has shown us many splendid places, while traveling down the Exumas. We have done things and have memories that will stay with us the rest of our lives. Rhonda and I THANK him greatly for this, its been a wonderful week. Safe sailing Captain Mark

The purple red headed green noodle water wing severely shedding creature fooled the community of George Town and took a short cut around all the activity in town as the creature did not want to get ran over by the sail boats. The last spotting was south of town lurking in the blue waters. While looking for a meal of Lobster, 2 dolphins swam past within 10-15 feet. It was a REAL good thing that with the first look the creature had recognized them as Dolphin and not SHARKS. One was larger than the other. The creature figured they were trying to be friendly as they circled a few times. That or the mother dolphin was teaching the baby dolphin to watch out for such creatures in the blue waters of the Caribbeanor maybe they to were laughing hysterically at such a sight, could be that is why their mouths were curled up in a smile. The purple red headed green noodle water wing severely shedding creature just kept on floating south, bobbing up and down as it went off into the distanc!
e out of sightI think I heard it saying it was headed to Kauai and planned on being there by May of 2007. I wonder what it will metamorphous into on its way


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