Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bimini, Bahamas

Images of life on the Stray Cat, 20 - 24 June 2007

" Captain Mark's voice at the dinner table, a tenor perfectly pitched to the sea he loves.
" Dolphin fish fresh from the sea, grilled with olive oil and coarse sea-salt
" Fiercely contested Scrabble games as darkness falls
" Glassy surface of waves, continually changing in their varieties of blue-green, as they undulate below the catamaran's trampoline
" Moonlight shining off the surface of black water as it laps against the bow
" An early morning dive off the bow into the crystal blue sea mask and snorkel not required for pristine bottom views
" Schools of manrays, stealthily gliding as they approach the feet of human interlopers.
" Snorkeling near an abandoned tanker, rust-covered but noble in its final destination.
" Sound of fishing rods, heavy with their catch, clicking insistently, like a mighty watch
" The catamaran's vast white sail, crisply marked against the blue sky
" Wiffle-ball on the most attractive field in the world - the diamond-shaped bar formed by opposing currents on the beach of an uninhabited island
" Freshly ground and brewed coffee, tastier than Starbucks and complete with a view of the warm Caribbean Sea
" Skirting the edges of a thunder storm toward Key Largo while anticipating anchor by the Mango trees
" An outdoor shower to cleanse the salt & imbibe the placid azure undulations.
" The serene perspective to be found in the vastness of the sea.

Composed by the Wildmen - Dylan, John, Tom, Mike, Scott, and Steve.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Bimini, Bahamas

Capt. notes:

After two weeks of very hard rain, wind, hail and waterspouts in south Florida, as an every afternoon event, we are now in a period of light wind and flat seas.
This is the dog days of summer as far as the charter season goes, post spring break exacerbated by the sub prime mortgage failures and the financial ripple there of.

No worries, I'm on charter at Bimini with six guys who are celebrating their 13th annual get together since graduation from Notre Dame. They are snorkeling at Honey Moon Harbor right now. We will be heading back to Coconut grove tomorrow. They had two Mahi hit at the same time yesterday but only landed one.
