ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1146181519
Thursday, April, 27, 2006, 19:47 UTC
George Towne,Exumas
Pam Wednesday:
It is Wednesday evening, so it must be time to try to recall the day's events. Fortunately for my memory, the day was fairly calm so I don't have to remember a lot of details!
Don't get me wrong; fairly calm doesn't mean it wasn't fabulous - because it was! It was another wonderful day. We cruised a while, snorkeled a while (while unsuccessfully searching for more lobster - so sad - but lobster season is over, so that should be expected), took a great cruising tour of George Town, and then visited George Town on foot. As much as we love cruising, it's always nice to walk on land again!
The boys (I mean men) were probably disappointed that they didn't get more lobster, but I was just happy to be out there snorkeling and getting some exercise. (I can only sit and relax for so long.)
Our visit to the town (or settlement) of George Town was probably the highlight of the day. They actually had a grocery store and hotel bar that were open! Yahoo! Of course this is because the big sailboat race (the "Family Regatta" as they call is - or something like that) is going on this week in (which is why most everything else was closed on the other islands). We wandered through the small town to the Straw Market where we found all kinds of handmade straw baskets, purses, placemats, etc. They also had numerous t-shirts, jewelry, etc., but Dean and I didn't find anything we couldn't live without. As usual
I interrupt this log entry to tell you that Steve just found another treasure (from Rhonda's treasure hunt game). I felt that he should have donated it to the person slaving over the computer entering the daily log, but he didn't see things my way. Fine!
Okay, as I was saying, as usual Rhonda was the big purchaser. She bought some really cute placemats and a photo album.
Then we found a nice hotel on the waterfront where we could have a drink, and they had really great margaritas and pina coladas. We found someone to take a nice picture of all of us, but unfortunately my camera's auto-focus has died, so I was fiddling with the settings and the pictures didn't take. So sad since it would have been a great picture!
After buying a few groceries and ice (again at really inflated prices) we headed back to the boat. I think that as much as we were anxious to get off the boat for bit, we were pretty happy to get back to our home away from away after being in
Dean, Bill and I went out for one more snorkel, even thought we knew there probably wasn't a lot to see in this area. But I just had to cool off (very hot in town!), and then take nice shower off the back of the boat.