Sunday, June 26, 2005

Manjack Cay, Abaco

ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1119807927
Sunday, June, 26, 2005, 13:48 UTC
N. Abaco

Guest Lybby

Hi. I'm mother of guest Jessica. I was selected to tell the exciting tale of Saturday's adventures. The excitement was provided by our beloved tutu (grandmother in Hawaiian, i.e. my mom). Tutu loves to travel all over the world and as of late, she tries to hit a hospital at every local. This trip is no exception. It all began with the desire to have a glass of lemonade, then the 35 pound, granite upright freezer door slid out of here hand and nearly sliced the top of her thumb off. Captain Mark quickly became paramedic Mark with the ice packs and gauze. We wrapped the finger, iced it and made Tutu lie down with the thumb above her head. Luckily, I had just read in the guide book that Cooperstown, the closest town to our Manjack Cay location has a medical clinic. Off we went trying to verify medical facilities an arranging a taxi to meet us at the dock via VHF. Well, we knew Tutu was feeling ok when Mark announced he had an injured 79 year old lady aboard. Tutu promptly corrected him of her youthful 76 years! While everyone else got things prepared to transport the patient, Jessica and MacKenzie read Lezzy Maguire "totally crushed" book to her and made sure she drank water and stayed hydrated. At Cooperstown, the word had spread and the taxi driver was there. They called the nurse and told of our arrival but we beat her to the clinic which was closed because it was Saturday. Anyway, 8 stitches, pain killers, antibiotics and a dt shot later the nice nurse Cornish drove us back to the boat. I'm glad to report that Tutu is doing fine and has managed to get out of all the cooking and dishwashing. She can swim with thumb carefully out of the water. I believe her domino skills will greatly improve this trip, much to the delight of MacKenzie. Now that the hospital adventure, Mark's first, is over, we look forward to smooth sailing.


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