Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The best

ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1120003510
Tuesday, June, 28, 2005, 20:05 UTC
Hope town Abaco

Guest Maxine:
The Bahamas at their best! This is 'tutu of the thumb' reporting. (See previous log posting!)

The low pressure area that had followed us around a few days finally departed and left us with a perfect sailing day! Winds upward of 20 knots with drifting clouds and skies that were the perfect reflection for these islands incredible blue, green and turquoise seas.

We left Manjack for Great Guana. It was a joy to watch our apprentice sailors learn to do perfect tacks. Capt. Mark is a patient tutor and the kids learned fast. Even the grandkids (11 and 8) take a turn at the wheel and have learned to read the compass, maintain a heading and read the wind.

After some pretty intense sailing, we opted to take the dingy in, and had dinner at the famous 'Nipper's', a brief walk across the island from the Abaco sea side to the ocean side. The Bahaman experience - conch burgers, kalik beer, served on the bluff overlooking the ocean. A walk on the beach., the grandkids tried out the colorful pool after dinner.

Back aboard Stray cat we discovered how NOT to drain water from the cold chest on the deck. With the aft cabin hatch open. The entire chest containing many gallons of cold water was now soaked into the sheets, pillows and mattress. The inhabitants slept on deck! Another bright and breezy sailing day followed - and everything is dry.

I'm pleased to report the thumb with 8 stitches had the dressing changed today by a local EMT at Hope Town. So far so good.

Looking forward to more good sailing tomorrow. These apprentices are getting pretty professional! Capt. Mark is prepared to just sit back and relax --- in a few more days!!

Happy sailing!


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