Sunday, January 20, 2008

The last 300 Miles...

The last three hundred miles flew by at ten knots plus, it was a race to beat the arrival on Saturday of a strong cold front in south Florida. The last forty miles to Coconut Grove were spent motoring at seven knots; the quite before the storm.
This 1400 mile passage was for the most part sailed, we used seventy gallons of fuel which cost a stunning three hundred dollars here in Florida. It was an uneventful trip with one good blow and no maintenance issues, that's the way to go! We had eight sailing days and two overnight stops.
We went right to the dock at Scotty's Landing, where a band was playing American music, that was a different sound then I have been use to, got a number of high fives and a few hugs and kisses from the fairer set. High on the list was a good old American hamburger, health food, right?
I had the worst case of sea legs I have ever had, so much so that it was difficult to walk a straight line . Mark and Lee left at seven this morning for Tucson so I'm left here at anchor this cold, rainy and very windy Sunday morning building a due list to get my Florida/Bahamas orientation back. Seems like I"v been gone a year.

Captain Mark Pomerenke
2829 Bird Ave suite 5 box 152
Coconut Grove, Fl 33133

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