Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Capt notes

Woke up at 05:00 and went through all the pre departure checks passing the sea buoy at 08:00, so begins a 1500 mile passage from Panama to Miami and Nassau. All systems are in the green and I had plenty of rest yesterday. My able crew Lee and Mark Wactor are so excited for this trip; they have been on the hard in Arizona since selling their Prout 39 catamaran two years ago.
The sea state is about 6-8 foot, forward of the beam to starboard and while we started off sailing we have lost the wind in the last few minutes. Things could be worse, at this rate we will reach the Columbian islands lying off Honduras at about 12:00 tomorrow. Isla San Andre's and Providencia are about 200 miles north of Bocas Del Toro Panama and the cruising guide sure makes them sound great, I'll let you know and try to get some pictures posted so you can see for yourselves.
Thanks to all of you who emailed your wishes to me for fair winds, I better get back on the helm

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