Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Andros, Bahamas

ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1140636367
Wednesday, February, 22, 2006, 14:26 UTC
Andros, Bahamas

Well, here we've reached the final day of our voyage, and I am now writing only the second ship's log. I guess that speaks volumes about how occupied we've been, and how immersed in the sea life we've gotten. We've made several stops along the way: Sampson Cay, Stanial Cay down to Georgetown. These stops gave us a chance to explore and seek out some adventure, relaxation and, above all else, beauty. Seeing some of the more undeveloped places the Bahamas has to offer really makes one appreciate the sheer, unaltered beauty within. I, for one, have a head full of gorgeous images as well as a much greater appreciation for the big blue sea.

Throughout the trip, we've taken in some fishing, kayaking and, best of all, sailing. There's nothing like seeing the fresh sea breeze fill up theses sails and take us for a ride. There have been some queasy stomachs among us, (myself included) but it is all very much worth it to experience such fun and joy as we have throughout. Yesterday was one of the more interesting days. On the way from the Exumas across to get to the Southern tip of Andros, we sort of had some technical difficulties. Captain Mark's depth measurement tool hasn't been working and around 2 PM, we all realized we were going through shallow areas in the middle of the ocean. A small piece of Green Cay could be seen (our destination for that day) among all the pristine water around. We found ourselves turning this way and that trying to avoid any potential no avail. The Cap was trying his best using the dingy to push the boat off the bank, but we were deep in it. Steve and I tried to go underneath and see if digging up some of the sand would help, with not much result. So we were MAROONED. Ah, but what a place for it to happen. Nothing but gorgeous scenery as far as the eye could see. Stranded somewhere between Exuma and Andros, everything was right in the world. The Cap informed us that we'd have a chance to be free about midnight (high tide). So we just chilled and had a delicious meal, like we've been having all trip from Daddy, Chef Extraordinaire. Then as it got into the night and we started to get loose and eventually were free. It was a fun time regardless of the seemingly scary situation.

And so we come to today, the finale of our adventure and what a time we've had. There's been a lot of laughing, eating, sailing, and good times; times that will live on in my memory for years to come. We'll be reaching land in an hour or so where Steve and I will fly back to Nassau as my Mom and Dad move on to continue their trip. We thank Captain Mark for showing us such a wonderful side of the Bahamian geography and I think I speak for everyone in saying that I feel honored to have had such an amazing trip and feel extremely blessed that I had a chance to have such a wonderful experience. Until next time "Stray Cat," so long from the Lleidas, 'till we sail again


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