Monday, May 16, 2005

Leaning Mark's world

ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1116255293
Monday, May, 16, 2005, 11:56 UTC
Bimini island,the Bahamas

Guest Scott:

Although there was a fair wind, everybody enjoyed a restful night as we were anchored off Cat Cay, except for maybe Bob who slept on the front trampoline of the boat in his wind sock (commonly known as a sleeping bag). The day started with an absolutely amazing sunrise viewed by Wind Sock Bob, Eugene and Scott. Once everybody had their sugar and caffeine fix of Little Debby snacks and coffee, we pulled anchor and were off to our first snorkeling site. As we made our way to the first site we passed a sand mining operation which mines sand (duh) and ships this sand to Florida. (This was the story as told by Captain Mark. Bob being the skeptic he is and assuming Florida has plenty of sand already, will be verifying this on the all knowing internet.) The first site was a concrete casino boat that was pushed aground sometime in the 1920's. This proved to yield an abundance of fish with several large schools which hung tight to the ship. One could swim in the middle of one of these schools and be surrounded by the fish as they stay just out of reach. From this site it was off to Honeymoon Harbor, which was a protected cove. We dropped the sea kayak in the water and took turns paddling around the cove and frolicked with resident ray which would approach you in search of a free meal. Speaking of meals, this is where we broke with the tradition of sandwiches for lunch and cooked up the rest of the chicken and Mutton Snapper (more commonly referred to as Grouper by Larry). Eugene won the piggy award by polishing off a fish sandwich and a large chicken breast. While in the cove, we were witness to a photo shoot with models and several new Formula boats. The lines and curves were absolutely stunning, and the boats were pretty cool too. After we had enough sight seeing, we pulled the anchor, dropped the fishing lines and headed back to Bimini. Pretty quick we hooked into another barracuda. Fearless Larry was unable to remove the hook from the barracuda, and after hearing the whole sand mining story (see above) was not sure if he trusted Captains Mark's suggestion of grabbing the fish by sticking your hand up in his gills to prevent him from biting you. Captain Mark stepped in and demonstrated he really knew what he was talking about, however, Bob is still a skeptic about the whole sand mining thing. The rest of the trip back to Bimini was fairly uneventful with several of us napping on the way in preparation to the final poker game. Back at Bimini, we showered, had a few drinks, and solved the worlds problems while watching the last of the dolphins migrate back to Miami. Dinner was Pork Tenderloin, cooked by chef Larry, since our usual cook was off chasing a large Bahamain gal with pimples. We never found out if he caught her or not. Dinner was fantastic as usual. After dinner cleanup, it was poker time. To put it briefly, there were an assortment of games including seven card A and a very long game of guts. There were even times when some of us didn't know what game we were playing and hoping to win with a nine of spades. At 11:30, we all called it quits and headed to bed to prepare for our journey back home where we would say goodbye to Mark's world and back to our own world.


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