Sunday, October 07, 2007

Resend - Departure from George Town

This is a resend of a ships log that didn't post.

Hey Mon -

We have departed Georgetown, leaving Bradley behind and one bag of our luggage. The 5 of us,Capt. Mark, Stewart, Ryan, Mike & Kate, cast off the "stringy thingys" and pointed the bow mostly South.

We have had a few thuderstorms and not the best wind conditions, but we are making way for the windward passage. We are just off of the Aucklin Islands and are preparing to hang a ralph anytime now.

We hope to be in Jamaica in a couple of days and are preparing for our second overnight. We did hook a couple of tuna and a small bird hitched a ride for a while, he seemed exhausted, so we didn't charge him anything.

Having a great time, wish you were here!

The Crew


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