ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1141888166
Friday, March, 10, 2006, 15:11 UTC
Bermuda Triangle
Captains Log, march 7th, 2006
Passenger Maria Acevedo (Mara)
Today we woke up around 9:30am at Big Game Marina in Bimini. We had breakfast and went for a walk around the island, we visit the flea market and Pili got her Bahama towel for only 15 dollars (ask Gipe how much he pay yesterday for his????). After that we went to Bimini's Bank to get some money because we are getting short, even though we haven't been on land that much.. Then we try to make some phone calls at the pay phone and we got harassed by some Bahamians after a while we finally got rid of them. We went back to the boat and started getting everything ready for our sail trip to Key Largo, Miami (we are looking for some spring break action. Especially the boy's). By the way I didn't do much in getting the boat ready to leave, but at least I worked on my tan which is looking much better
After half -hour of sailing some weird noise came out of the engines, so we had to stop in the middle of the ocean to check what was wrong with the boat. Captain Mark got in to the engine room and couldn't find anything wrong down there so Jon (Aqua Man) got into the water and check the propel, while Captain gave him instruction. After two dive in the water they figured out that the shaft of the left propel broke. It seem like we hit something while sailing. That was bad news, first it is very expensive and second what we were supposed to make in 8 hours is going to be 11-12 hours now. That didn't stopped us because we continued sailing. Right now is 6:05pm and we are still sailing, Gipe is getting everything ready to start grilling.
In summary we are having a great time, the weather is great, no big waves and extremely sunny. Hopefully the trip to Key Largo keeps as nice as it has been so far.
PS. Gordi si lees esto I missed U, I wish u were here with me..Besos.