Thursday, February 17, 2005

ships log

ZCZC SEAMAIL Ship v6.0 Xaxero Software
MAIL FOR: ships log
TRACKING: 1108656908
Thursday, February, 17, 2005, 11:15 UTC
Coconut Grove Fl.

Tuesday Feb. 15,2005 Cap. Mark put us on course to Bimini at approx. 2:30 for the 6 hour exciting adventure to cross the "high seas"arriving our destination by the light of the stary sky. leaving miami...we had the wind on our nose at about 10 knots....we caught a dolpin about 8 mies out and it weighed about 25 about mid gulf stream the winds grew to approx. 25 knots and the seas to "roughly!!!" SIX feet.....our sea legs begin to grow. Cap. Mark prepares a delightful meal of grilled chicken, veggies, and potatoes....However only the Captain and one guest, Tim, had the sailor stomach to enjoy the culinery skills due to the choppy waters. We put anchor in Bimini at 11:30, everyone crashed and slept great on CALM, CALM, CALM waters. YEah, head on pillow, looking forward to tomorrow and and the crystal blue waters and friendly smiles of Bimini. End of first day. Ship's guest, Lucinda Chisman

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