It's been weeks since I last wrote; guests have written a fair amount though, that kept me out of trouble with friends and family who keep up with my wondering's. There are no guests onboard as I sail from Nassau to Miami so it's my turn to jot a bit.
So far this winter season there have been many days of wind in the twenties and above, a few nights in the high thirties, (which reminds me of the pop group Three Dog Night who took their name from Australian natives that judged the cold of night by the number of dogs they had to sleep with) But for the most part it has been very nice, on the mild side. Looking back, there were about 10 days of sailing the wind on long passages at 8-10 knts, real fun.
Today is not a sailing day, its flat calm in bright sun but it didn't start that way. This morning, after spending the night at anchor on the Great Bahamas Banks ten miles east of Cat Cay, I went on deck with my coffee cup in hand and was enveloped in a blanket of cool fog (very unusual in these waters). The decks were very wet with condensate, as I was looking over the starboard side, I saw a large Logger Head turtle apparently napping or I don't know what for sure, but it finally noticed me and dove real fast. I have read that Logger heads enjoy eating Portuguese Man Of war jellyfish; the down side for them is that, the long tentacles burn their eyes; as a result they don't see very well.
I'm going to sail over to Cat Cay and get a little Wifi time be right back.
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